Welcome, and thank you for choosing our practice for your care!
In order to make an initial appointment, please call us at 708-664-2167. When you call please leave a message indicating your name, telephone number, and which therapist you would like to work with. Someone will return your call and assist you in scheduling your first appointment within one week.
Payment, co-payment, co-insurance are always due at the time of service and can be remitted via check or credit card.
We will mail you a statement for any balance that may remain due. Statements usually go out during the first week of the month. Please be aware that we typically do not send out statements if your account does not carry a balance. If you do have insurance that you wish to take advantage of you may contact your insurance company directly for reimbursement. Please note that your insurance company may offer a partial reimbursement for services.
Please be sure to arrive a few minutes early for your initial appointment to allow sufficient time to complete registration paperwork, which you’ll find on clipboards in the waiting area.
Due to confidentiality concerns, we do not have a receptionist at the office. When you arrive, please have a seat in the waiting area and your clinician will meet you at your appointment time.
Clinical Supervision:
Clinical supervision is offered to Licensed Professional Counselors, one hour a week per session.
Please feel free to call Natalie Allen, the practice owner, with any questions you may have at 708-664-2167.
Thank you! We look forward to working with you!